Can I make a few questions?

A algum tempo eu esperava para fazer esse post, e chegou a hora! Todas nós, futuras Au Pairs, sabemos o quanto é importante a escolha da Host Family. São muitos aspectos a serem levados em conta e não podemos 'escolher' aquela que tem as kids mais bonitas e fofinhas, que moram na cidade que você quer, ou que tem Hosts que parecem simpáticos no primeiro contato. Entendo que o primeiro contato pode deslumbrar a maioria de nós, mas é importante lembrar que nosso relacionamento irá além de empregado/empregador, pois vamos morar na casa deles e não vai ser por um breve período. Cada familia tem seu estilo e regras e é importante respeita-los para haja harmonia no convívio. É bom sermos sinceros e extrair deles o máximo de informação possível para vermos se realmente we match.
Pesquisei em vários blogs as perguntas que devemos fazer a Host Family e ainda acrescentei algumas. Claro que não é preciso fazer todas, mas sem dúvida alguma delas serão essenciais.

Questions about the children:

- How many children are there?
- What are their names?
- How old are they?
- What do they like to do?
- What are their favorite games and toys?
- Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking yet?
- Are they energetic or calm kids?
- What do they like to do in their free time?
- Are they in the school? How they go to school?
- Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car/bicycle?
- How far is the school from your house?
- What do they usually eat for breakfast and lunch?
- Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?
- Do they have friends living in the neighbour?
- What things are there to do with the children?

About the parents:

- What are the parents name?
- How old are they?
- Do they have a career/profession?
- Both parents work? What do they do?
- Do they have any religion?
- What are their hobbies?
- The family has members or relatives living nearby?
- What are the house's rules?
- What are the family activities on the weekends?

About their home:

- Where do you live? (state and city)
- Is it a small town?
- Is it near a big city? Which one?
- Is it too cold in the city? Snow there?
- Do they live in house or apartment?
- Do they have pets?
- Do they have a housekeeper?
- What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
- Will I have a private room? With bathroom?

About the car:

- Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far?
- Is a state driver's license required?
- Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
- Can I use the car during my free time?
- Who will pay for the gas when I use the car?

About the Au Pair Duties and job:

- Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
- What will be my responsibilities with each kid?
- What will my schedule be like?
- Will I have access to internet and computer on my free time?
- Can I receive and make phone calls in your house? (national and international)
- Will I have time to study? What time? Can I study when the children are in the school?
- Are there any Dutch Schools near your house?
- What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends? (curfew)
- Can I sleep in my friend's house?
- Can I invite friends in my free time? Do they can sleep in your house?
- Are there any other au pairs in the area?
- Why are you interested in getting an au Pair?
- Have you ever had an au pair before? Is she living with you yet?
- Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?
- Am I be supposed to make dinner?
- Is there any kind of food that you don't eat?

Perguntas para a atual Au Pair (caso eles tenham):

- What do you think about the family? And the kids?
- Are they nice with you?
- How much they pay you?
- Do you do extra work? What kind of job?
- Do you do any course? If so, are the courses near from the house?
- Is there any cool near place to go there?
- What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?

Se vocês lembrarem de mais alguma pergunta que deveria entrar para a lista, deixe um comentário neste post que eu reedito o texto.

Por enquanto é só! Ainda espero o contato da primeira familia.

Um beijo,

3 Responses so far.

  1. BiBi says:

    acho que sao as principais!!
    o rsto vai fluindooo na conversa!


  2. Nath Lex says:

    é mesmo muita coisa pra perguntar... mas acho q é isso mesmo, não tem muito mais...
    boa sorte Indila, espero q apareça logo uma family!

  3. Marcela says:

    Depois de 6 meses aqui, eu só falo uma coisa: leve a cidade MUITO em consideração. Mas MUITO mesmo. A Holanda é pequenininha e uma horinha de trem não parece nada pra quem mora no Brasil.
    Chegando aqui é outra história.

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